At dawn, men take out nets on the main beach at Bainet, a small town on Haiti’s southern coast. The net was led out in a semi circle by a man in a small paddle boat, while two teams of four men gradually pull the net in. Fishing is a significant part of the economy in this region, though there are few motorized boats or equipment. // OCTOBER 23, 2018, BAINET, HAITI
Demonstrators participating in the Winchester Women’s March pass a statue of George Washington on Cork Street beside the building he used as a surveying office from 1755 to 1756. // JANUARY 21, 2017, WINCHESTER, VA
Mike and Ella sledding in their backyard.
A woman walks her dogs down Alexandria Pike in Warrenton, Virginia
Jean Bruno, a Haitian Episcopal priest, pauses before leading a Sunday-morning worship service at Christ the King Episcopal Church (Paroissee Christ-Roi). Bruno is also the // OCTOBER 28, 2018, TERRIER ROUGE, HAITI // FOR THE FAUQUIER TIMES
Zachary and Amelia play a board game on their living-room floor.
Someone to Ride the River With perform with Jack Dunlop at Bluegrass at the Barn, a regular concert series hosted by Capon Crossing Farm Market // APRIL 16, 2016, WARDENSVILLE, WV
Zachary Borgstrom carries a bare cross towards the altar during a Good Friday worship service at Saint James’ Episcopal Church // MARCH 30, 2018, WARRENTON, VIRGINIA // FOR SAINT JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH
Demonstrators pass the Frederick/Winchester General District Court building as part of protests after the death of D'londre Minifield, a black man, during a police chase. The death was ruled a suicide by Virginia State Police, but the protests led to various police reforms for local law enforcement, whose members are overwhelmingly white. // MARCH 1, 2016, WINCHESTER, VA
Kayla Green checks her phone during a snowstorm in Winchester, Virginia
Archie with the tractor he is rebuilding with his dad.
Two children play in an old-town retail space under renovation in Warrenton, Virginia.
A woman checks her phone on a street corner in Trou-du-Nord, Haiti.
Dr Suzie Tedeschi prepares dental instruments at Hope & Life Clinic (Clinique Esperance et Vie). The clinic is a mission of the Esperance et Vie organization. In addition to its full-time Haitian medical staff, the clinic hosts visiting health professionals like Dr Tedeschi who volunteer to provide free medical care to the surrounding community. // OCTOBER 27, 2018, TERRIER ROUGE, HAITI // FOR THE FAUQUIER TIMES
Jen and Ella on their front porch
Kayla Green hikes up Slide Mountain, part of the Catskills Mountains in New York.
A child high-fives Santa Claus at a Christmas program held at Warrenton Community Center for Fauquier County Head Start students // DECEMBER 18, 2018, WARRENTON, VIRGINIA // FOR THE FAUQUIER TIMES
The C Hunter Ritchie Elementary All-Star Jumpers perform on Main Street at the Warrenton Christmas Parade // NOVEMBER 30, 2018 // FOR THE FAUQUIER TIMES